McGraph Power website design and digital marketing consulting by Bynder Group

Building Brand Equity with Trust and Transparency

McGrath Power, a public relations and communications firm in Silicon Valley in business for more than 25 years, engaged our team for a new website and messaging platform. Starting with the goal of better appeal to their target audiences, we established a new visual language, an engaging new website, and a lead generation strategy.

By focusing on one of their guiding principles of transparency in practice, we conceptualized a messaging platform of building brand equity through transparency as a communications strategy in the new trust-based market. At launch, the message is front-and-center on the home page and supported with ‘gated’ downloadable informative content. Also featured is their impressive portfolio with detailed case studies, as well as project briefs. McGrath Power also maintains a popular and informative blog, that is also leveraged as part of their digital marketing effort to attract traffic and engage visitors.

Read more about this project and see additional samples of it in our portfolio.

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