Website Redesign Success: Get the Most Out of Your Investment

Businesses focused on growth constantly evolve. A business that remains stagnant may grow incrementally, but to see steady, sustainable growth, innovation must be part of your strategy. To remain highly competitive in the current environment your online marketing strategy, and by extension your website, need to keep up with your company’s goals. 

For large companies, a full redesign every two years is considered best practice while mid-size and small businesses should consider a website update or redesign every three years with incremental updates constantly in the pipeline. 

But the decision to redesign your website should not merely be based on what “most businesses” do. Instead, it’s essential to look to your business goals and metrics in order to choose the best course of action and investment of resources. A high-performing business website needs to combine visual design and message clarity with a strategic approach to lead generation through an organic search and content plan. If your website is not performing in terms of traffic (e.g., you’re not getting enough visitors) or conversions (e.g., visitors aren’t contacting or engaging with you), it’s time to make some improvements.

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Considering a business website redesign?

Download our comprehensive website redesign guide for everything you need to know about strategizing effectively before you invest.

Download the comprehensive guide for a high-performing website »

A Website Redesign is Opportunity for Business Growth

Being proactive with your marketing budget and approaching your website as a strategic tool will help a business in all economic environments, especially downturns. An effective website can act as a salesperson, a marketing expert, and a customer service agent. Done well, and with the right analytics in place, investing in your website strategically can have an enormous return on investment.

The best websites are equal parts business, design, and technology, meaning you should have a strong foundational strategy in place before embarking on a redesign. When you master the four cornerstones of a high-performing website—content strategy, search engine optimization, lead generation, and technology stack—you’re on your way to building a marketing machine that runs 24/7 and delivers a return on your investment. A good agency can help you with each step of the process and make sure your budget goes as far as possible towards helping you achieve your business goals. 

Inbound marketing methodology ensures success for website redesign
Using the Inbound Marketing Methodology ensures success for website redesign initiatives.

Use Inbound Marketing Methodology for Improved Results

A business website redesign gives you an opportunity to create a site that is guided by marketing strategy and aligns directly with your company’s overall marketing goals. A website design that keeps marketing top of mind, especially when built around the Inbound Marketing methodology, can generate more leads, more sales, improved customer loyalty and stronger brand awareness. 

Utilizing a design process that operates under an Inbound Marketing mindset can have a huge positive impact on engagement and conversion rates because Inbound Marketing creates a positive user experience that will reflect your brand values, while delivering what your visitors want and need. 


4 Essential Steps for Success


Key steps for website redesign
Design for marketing success with four key steps: target, insight, plan, and measure.

When thinking about designing for marketing success, here are the key steps that should guide your effort:

Identify Your Visitors

    • Who are your visitors? Is your website designed to accommodate the needs of each target persona? 

For instance, does it avoid jargon they may not understand, is it easy to navigate if they are less tech-savvy, and does it clearly direct visitors to the benefits that buying from you would have for them specifically? 

    • How did your visitors get to your website? Knowing where they’re coming from can help you decide what they should see and give you a sense of which marketing channels are working and which need attention.

Tracking your visitor sources can also inform your site design since a visitor coming through a general Google search will have much less information about your company than one coming from an owned social media channel or marketing email. You want to be sure you’re offering enough education and basic information as possible when it’s relevant and getting more into the details of your offerings once some familiarity has been established. 

Get Insight for Your Strategy

    • What is the purpose of each page and is it aligned with marketing goals?

Each page on your site should have a clear goal for the people that visit it. Do you want them to contact you? Fill out a form? Make a purchase? The more clear these goals are, the more effective your website will be in helping you grow your business. 

    • Throughout your website, are your visitors finding what they want and getting what they need? 

The more time it takes someone to find the information they’re looking for — whether it’s pricing or a phone number — the less likely they will be to return to your site or to make a purchase. Easy navigation and clear calls to action are key. 

    • What stage of the customer journey are your visitors in when they reach specific pages of your site? 

Design for each stage of the sales funnel — top, middle, and bottom — and nurture prospects down the funnel with relevant content.

Plan for Positive User Experience

    • Where should your visitor navigate next? 

No matter where your visitors land when they first get to your site, you should have a clear idea of where you want them to go next. If it’s not clear to you, it will not be clear to them and confusion is the last thing you want. 

    • What is the most helpful content you can provide?

During a website redesign, you have an opportunity to drill down into how you can make sure your site is really helping your customers. Figure out what questions they have most often and make sure that you’re providing content that is easy to find and that answers those questions clearly. 

    • What is the best form of content for each page?

You’ll also want to consider the format of the content you’re providing. It might feel redundant to put the same information in both an explainer video and a blog post, but some people would rather watch a video and others would rather scan a blog post. Be sure that everyone can get the answers they’re looking for in a format they like. 

Measure and Improve

    • Measure and optimize towards the content that helps move people down the funnel.

A website redesign is also the perfect opportunity to make sure you are collecting the metrics that will help you continuously improve your site’s performance. Start (or continue) collecting data about how users navigate your site, where they drop off (AKA bounce) and make a plan to improve those sections of the site that are underperforming or scaring people off. 

    • Before testing your design, be certain that you can accurately measure visitor activity using appropriate software.

Free tools like Google Analytics (GA) make it easy to see where visitors to your site are in terms of their customer journey and provide valuable insight into how people are using your site. Other tools, such as HubSpot, also provide integrated analytic data and insights.


Achieve Significant ROI with the Right Strategy

A website redesign is no small undertaking and the investment involved may seem daunting. However, the impact of your website on your business’ growth opportunities cannot be overstated. When done strategically with a clear end goal in mind, a website redesign can have a significant ROI and make a big difference for your business. 

Considering a business website redesign? Download The Complete Guide to Your Next Website Redesign for everything you need to know about strategizing effectively before you invest. 

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Considering a business website redesign?

Download our comprehensive website redesign guide for everything you need to know about strategizing effectively before you invest.

Download the comprehensive guide for a high-performing website »


4.5 Star Client Review Don’t Come Easy

In the age of big data, utilizing a data driven strategy is the most effective way of modern day growth. At Bynder Group, we utilize powerful technology and high performing web strategies to help our clients build their brand and accelerate their business. With a team skilled in web design, digital strategy, and content marketing, we are prepared to become your next marketing partner.

We are proud to announce that Bynder Group has received our first client review on our Clutch profile. Clutch, a B2B review site, rates and ranks the leading firms in a wide variety of locations and industries. Clutch offers an individual rating for each company on their profile. Our profile boasts a 4.5 star rating!


Our happy client is McGrath/Power Public Relations and Communications Firm. The Bynder Group team was able to revamp their website, resulting in a complete new look and presentation of their brand. We used our expertise in front and backend development, lead generation, and content consulting to create a more effective site that better positions them in the market.

We were praised for our clean project management, creativity and communication throughout the life of the project.

“Most impressive to us was both dealing directly with Rob/receiving senior-level input and the overall strength of his ideas and creativity. He is a direct and clear communicator who was patient with us when need be and not afraid to tell us to “get moving” when we fell behind” -CEO of McGrath/Power Public Relations and Communications.

At Bynder Group, we are thankful for our clients taking the time to submit a review. Each new review will enhance our credibility on Clutch.

5 Essential Elements for Every Business Website

Building a business website can be a daunting task. There are many design, development, and content options available. It’s easy to get bogged down with so many choices. A business’s website should be tailored to it’s specific goals and priorities, but every business website should start with these basic essentials. 

Prioritize these key elements and your website will attract new customers and help your business grow while you maximize your investment.

Effective Design

You want your website to look good, but the idea of “good” (or “better” if you’re going through a redesign) is often subjective when it comes to design. So, how do you get “good”?

The design elements your site has should be chosen not only because of their colors or style, but because of how they will represent your brand and impact the people visiting your site. 

Effective web design should …

  • Make your site easy to navigate
  • Be simple to understand and interact with
  • Guide visitors to take action
  • Be original and on-brand

Because more than half of all web traffic is now coming from mobile devices, your design also needs to be mobile-ready, meaning the design works and makes sense on all platforms. 

Your website is an important brand touch-point and should be consistent with your entire marketing strategy. This is often where website templates fail, so you may want to consider custom design to get it right. Inconsistent brand representation creates a murky impression and diminishes your brand value. 

Message Clarity

Your brand is represented by words as much as graphics. Along with good design, an effective business website should also convey clear messaging and calls to action that drive users to engage. 

Clear brand messaging means that any visitor to your site should be able to “get it” right away. They should know who you are, what you do and why it matters (your differentiation). Together, message clarity and effective web design work together to compel your visitors to interact with your content as prospects, leads, and customers. 

If you’re sensing a pattern here, that’s not a coincidence. A good business website should always aim to engage its visitors. That brings us to our next point. 

website redesign success

Considering a business website redesign?

Download our comprehensive website redesign guide for everything you need to know about strategizing effectively before you invest.

Download the comprehensive guide for a high-performing website »

Lead Generation Strategy

Why settle for a passive website? Business websites should act as a lead generation engine. This requires a clear strategy. Beginning a website design without a plan for generating and collecting leads is leaving money on the table… and leading customers to your competitors. 

An effective business website that is easy to navigate and easy to understand will also make it easy for visitors to engage with the site, download ebooks, white papers or other lead magnets, subscribe to your email list, or make a purchase if they’re ready.

Organic Search Plan

If your site ranks highly on Google, it can mean the difference between a thriving business and one that’s constantly struggling to grow. 

Like a lead generation strategy, SEO isn’t something that can wait until you think you’re ready. SEO is a long game. It can take months or even years to get a new site to rank for high value keywords. The sooner you start implementing SEO best practices into your site design, the better off you’ll be. 

This doesn’t mean that your site should launch with a comprehensive list of keywords you want to rank for pasted onto every page. Rather, it means being aware of the most high value, attainable keywords and keyword phrases you want to build your content strategy around so that you can start writing, tagging, linking, and promoting your content effectively for maximum SEO benefit. 

Visitor Centered Content

Even though you’re pouring your blood, sweat, and budget into your business website, at the end of the day it isn’t really about you. You can build a website that perfectly matches your own aesthetics and is crystal clear to you, but if it doesn’t make sense to your potential customers, you’ve wasted your efforts. 

That means every piece of content you put on your site, from a homepage headline to a CTA button to a long-form blog post should be applicable and compelling to your customers. Your content should move visitors through the buyer’s journey by continually being ready to answer their questions and decrease any friction in the buying process. 

A list of only five components might not seem like enough to build a website that generates leads while you sleep and acts as your best sales tool. But if you can master these five aspects of a good business website, you’ll have the foundation for a higher performing website—and better return on your marketing investment.

3 Critical Factors to Consider When Choosing a Web Design Agency

Your website needs an update. It might be a few years old or isn’t performing as well as it should. Maybe your business changed or your brand has evolved. Whatever the reason, websites need to be updated or they become irrelevant and ineffective. Even worse, an outdated website could impede your company’s growth. 

For most businesses, working with an agency to design or redesign your website is the best approach. Many businesses don’t have the luxury of an in-house team with the right skill sets. Even for those that do, working with a collaborative agency can bring valuable insight, skills, and experience to create much greater value for your investment.

When looking for a web design agency, make sure you find one that will do more than take orders and deliver templated “solutions”. Choose an agency that understands your business goals and will be able to achieve them with a web strategy, not just a website.

1. Look for Expertise in Branding, Marketing, and Design

Websites are often the first touchpoint for your business. The design, messaging, and performance of your website will all influence how your brand is perceived. If it’s off-brand or off-message, they’re gone. You lose.  

Your website needs to look great, be easy to navigate, and quickly, and communicate what differentiates you from your competitors. It needs to help visitors achieve their goals, whether that means conducting research or performing a transaction. Your website also needs to communicate your brand accurately and promote positive impressions of your brand.

Just as importantly, your website needs to help visitors engage with your business. The process to contact you, subscribe to your email list, make a purchase, or download an ebook, should be as simple as possible.

Web design agencies need to be experts in branding, marketing, and design. They should provide marketing insights for search engine optimization (SEO), have a complete knowledge of web technology, and be able to integrate with other systems like your CRM.

The right web design agency will provide a well-rounded vision and the specialty services required for the highest ROI.

2. Listen to Their Questions

When you’re working to get a new website, you’ll probably have conversations with several agencies. During these conversations, you will ask about things like timelines, cost, experience, and references. The agency will also have questions. Pay attention to these. Are they stuck on questions about budget and colors or are they trying to uncover more details about your business, your customers, and your goals?

Try this the next time you talk to a prospective agency. Ask them a simple question: “How are you going to deliver measurable results and improve my business?” 

A design agency that is only asking about aesthetics and technology is skipping over the fundamental element of an effective strategy, and that’s how your website can serve your business and produce growth. Here are some questions you should expect to hear when vetting a design partner:

  • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  • Who is your target audience and what motivates them?
  • Who is your competition and how are you different?
  • How will you measure success?

3. Prioritize Your Business Goals

Of course, a web design agency needs to know how to design a website — but that’s the bare minimum. For the highest return on your marketing investment, you want something more than nice graphics: you want a website that produces measurable results. 

That’s why you must choose to work with a web design agency that builds websites that are informed by branding, marketing, sales, and digital strategy. It’s all of these elements working together that result in a website that grows your business, generating leads and new business non-stop, 24/7. 

There are many agencies to choose from and many factors to consider. But how do you get more out of your investment? How do you get a website that performs as a tool to grow your business? If you want a website that does more, you need an agency that can do more. Why would you settle for less? Keep this in mind when you’re working on your next website update. It is possible to work with a great agency that has your business in mind.

If you’re looking for a Los Angeles web design firm with extensive experience and expertise, consider contacting us for a free consultation.

Optimize Your Website for Engagement

Is your website optimized for engagement and lead generation? Your website offers a prime opportunity to captivate your visitors and acquire leads crucial for any growth-oriented business. Tailoring your B2B web design for lead generation involves a strategic approach that directs visitors on how to interact with your business and convert them into leads.

Optimize your website for lead generation

The lead generation process typically starts when a website visitor engages with a call-to-action (CTA). CTAs can be placed on a website page, a blog article, an advertisement, or a social media post. That CTA leads your visitor to a landing page with a form to collect that visitor’s contact information. After completing the form, the visitor is led to a thank-you page and you have a lead. 

Simple, right? Here are seven ideas for optimizing your website and generating more leads.

1. Pages with the Highest Traffic

Look at your web analytics and determine which pages are getting the most traffic. You might be surprised by what you find here. Be sure to practice good search engine optimization for your entire website to help build more qualified traffic. Place offers and forms on these high-traffic pages to capture visitor information. Start with a review of your traffic sources such as email marketing, social media, chat channels, and blog posts. On the pages that are most visited from these sources, add longer-form content—or “premium content” that visitors can access through forms.

2. Measure Performance 

Test and compare how each of your lead generators is performing. If you’re using landing page marketing software like Hubspot or Unbounce, be sure to monitor and measure your pages’ performance with their built-in analytics tools. Pay attention to: 

  • Average time on page
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Traffic source

Take a lesson from your higher-performing pages and improve your lesser-performing ones. Also, run internal reports and evaluate your offers. Don’t forget to review your landing page visits, CTA clicks, and thank-you page shares. Lastly, refer to the higher-performing offers and use those as inspiration to follow. 

3. Optimize Every Step

There are four basic steps to a common lead generation process workflow: calls-to-action, landing pages, thank-you pages, and email follow-up. 

Calls-to-Action: Make sure your CTAs are easy to see and stand out. Use contrasting colors to help. Experiment with different types of CTAs, both static and animated sliders. 

Landing Pages: According to a Hubspot survey, companies with 30+ landing pages generated 7X more leads than those with 1 to 5 landing pages. Make sure your landing pages promote offers that are easy to understand. Landing pages should have some variation of a headline, a short description with key benefits and what to expect in the offer, at least one image, and a form. The best practice for landing pages is to remove any navigation menu so that visitors can focus on the task at hand. See an example of how we implemented a strategic content offer via a landing page for one of our clients.

Thank-You Pages: The thank-you page follows the landing page form submission. Don’t overlook this step of the lead generation process. In addition to a thank-you message, include a download or access link for the offer if appropriate. Also, include social sharing buttons and consider this real estate for another related offer. 

Confirmation “Kickback” Emails: When a visitor becomes a lead and their information enters your database, it’s a good idea to follow up with a kickback email. This email would have a thank you message in it and possibly a link to the offer itself. Studies have shown that kickback emails have double the engagement rates of standard marketing emails. These are a good place to include a specific CTA and encourage social media sharing.

Related Read: Is Your Email Marketing Delivering Results? »

4. Add a CTA to your Home Page

Your home page should be one of the most trafficked pages of your website. The design should catch your visitors’ attention and a CTA is what focuses their action. Your home page feeds the top of the marketing funnel, so your offer should be contextual to that stage of the buyer’s journey. Typical suggestions for these CTAs would be “subscribe to updates” or “free trial (or demo)”. You may also consider promoting an offer further down the marketing funnel like an ebook or white paper to establish credibility. 

5. Onsite Live Chat or Chat Bot

Many people prefer using chat to contact a company. It’s quick and you don’t have to talk on the phone (ugh!). These can be valuable tools for generating leads and promoting customer service. We have found quick positive results when adding this feature to our clients’ websites. You can use live chat, chatbots, or a combination of the two. Optimize your chat to be relevant to the content, page, stage of the buyer’s journey, etc. Integrate chat with your sales and customer service teams to route inquiries and for optimal user experience. 

6. Test and Improve

Building a lead generation strategy is only the first part. Testing and optimizing it is where how you achieve greater results. Try A/B testing to increase clickthrough rates. Start with relevant follow-up emails that feature useful content, then continue to tailor that content to your prospect.

7. Nurture Leads to Customers

Leads are great, but customers are what you want. Nurture your customers with workflows to help bring them along in their journey. Make sure they don’t forget you and provide them with valuable content that matches their interest. Emails can link to blog articles, white papers, ebooks, and any other offers you provide.

A business depends on leads to close sales and grow. By optimizing your website for lead generation, you can build on every opportunity to grow leads and provide a better user experience for your prospects.


Effective lead generation requires a multi-faceted approach that leverages various digital marketing tools and strategies. By optimizing every step of the lead generation process, from eye-catching CTAs to engaging landing pages and diligent follow-up via emails, businesses can significantly increase their lead conversion rates. Implementing interactive options like onsite live chat further enhances customer engagement and service. Remember, continual testing and improvement are key to staying ahead of the curve and ensuring your strategies remain effective. With a comprehensive, well-executed lead generation strategy, your business can not only capture more leads but also nurture them into loyal customers, ultimately driving growth and success.